
Keeping information secure and private for all users, and communicators with The Beach Market(TBM) is important to us. Our privacy guidelines are as follows:
  1. TBM totally reserves the right to use the information that is sent to it, for its sole convenience.
  2. TBM does not distribute, nor sells the information that is sent, to third parties organizations' nor to mail lists of other organizations. The information sent is for exclusive use of TBM.
  3. TBM does not send electronic mails like Spam. All the electronic mails that TBM sends through its website are solely for the users registered in it, therefore, the people or organizations which register themselves on give their consent and permission to receive these electronic mails and all the electronic mails that TBM’s employees send.
  4. At any time, any user of can request that it's username and personal information be deleted and to instruct TBM to cease any kind of communication with them.